How Much Extra Flooring Should I Buy For My Home Reno?

how much extra flooring do you need

Starting a home renovation project is an exciting endeavour, and selecting the right flooring is a crucial aspect of it. Once you’ve made that decision, it’s essential to consider how much extra flooring you’ll need. This ensures a smooth installation process and allows for unforeseen circumstances that may arise. In this guide, we’ll take you through the steps of measuring your room for new flooring and provide specific recommendations for different types of flooring, including hardwood, laminate, vinyl, carpet, and tile.

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How to Accurately Measure Your Room for New Flooring

Measuring your room correctly lays the foundation for a successful flooring project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get it right:

Gather Your Tools

  • Tape Measure
  • Calculator
  • Pen and Paper
  1. Measure Strategically: Start by measuring the length and width of the room at its longest and widest points. This will give you the most accurate measurements.
  2. Account for Irregularities: If the room has alcoves, nooks, or irregular shapes, take separate measurements for these areas. It’s important to account for every nook and cranny.
  3. Calculate Total Square Footage: Multiply the length by the width. For instance, if your room is 15 feet long and 20 feet wide, your total square footage would be 300 square feet.
  4. Adjust for Flooring Type: Keep in mind that some flooring types are sold by the square yard. In such cases, divide the total square footage by 9 to get the final square yardage.

accurately measure for new floor

Now that you have your total square footage, let’s delve into the specifics of each flooring type.

Hardwood Flooring

When it comes to hardwood flooring, it’s essential to be mindful of the following:

  • Hardwood planks are usually packaged in boxes, each designed to cover a specific square footage.
  • Consideration must be given to the direction of the wood grain for a seamless and aesthetically pleasing finish.

Why You Need Extra Hardwood Flooring

  1. Wastage Due to Cuts: Installing hardwood floors involves precise cutting and fitting. This process inevitably leads to some level of wastage.
  2. Defective Pieces: Natural wood may contain some defective pieces. These might have imperfections that render them unsuitable for use in certain areas.

How Much Extra Hardwood Flooring To Order

It is advisable to purchase an additional 10% of flooring to accommodate the inevitable wastage during installation. It is also advised to allocate an extra 5% to account for any potentially flawed pieces.

Additional Tips

  • Round Up for Safety: Always round up your calculations to ensure you have a sufficient amount of flooring to complete the project.
  • Grain Direction Matters: Pay attention to the direction of the wood grain. Installing the planks in a uniform direction enhances the overall look of the flooring.

Remember, having a surplus of hardwood flooring ensures that you are adequately prepared for any unexpected challenges during installation. This extra material can also come in handy for future repairs or renovations.

hardwood flooring installation toronto gta

Laminate Flooring

When it comes to laminate flooring, it’s essential to understand that this type of flooring is synthetic, which means it typically lacks the natural defects found in wood. This ensures that you’re getting consistent pieces, making measurements and installations more predictable.

Why You Need Extra Laminate Flooring

  1. Wastage during Installation: Like with any flooring type, some wastage is expected during the installation process. Factors such as fitting pieces into corners or around obstructions can result in extra material being used.
  2. Future Repairs: Having spare planks on hand is a practical approach. Over time, even durable laminate flooring may experience wear and tear. Having extra pieces readily available makes future repairs much more straightforward.

How Much Extra Laminate Flooring To Order

It is advisable to factor in an additional 5-15% of flooring. This additional amount ensures that you have sufficient coverage, even accounting for any unforeseen circumstances during installation.

Additional Tips

  • Consider Ordering an Extra Box: To play it safe, consider ordering an entire extra box of laminate flooring. This way, you’ll have an adequate reserve for potential future repairs or smaller projects.
  • Inspect Each Piece: While laminate is generally uniform, it’s still a good practice to inspect each piece for any anomalies. This ensures that you’re working with the best possible material.

By following these guidelines, you’ll not only have the right amount of laminate flooring for your project but also some extra for added peace of mind. This approach ensures that your installation is smooth, and you’re well-prepared for any potential future adjustments.

laminate flooring toronto gta

Vinyl Flooring

When it comes to vinyl flooring, understanding its unique characteristics is key to an accurate measurement:

  • Roll Format: Vinyl flooring is commonly sold in rolls, which can affect how you measure. Unlike individual planks or tiles, you need to account for the full length of the roll.
  • Pattern Alignment: If your vinyl has a pattern or texture, you’ll want to consider how the pieces will align during installation. This may influence the amount of extra flooring you’ll need.

Why You Need Extra Vinyl Flooring

  1. Wastage during Installation: Vinyl flooring, like laminate, often involves some degree of wastage during installation. This can occur due to necessary cuts around corners, angles, or irregularities in the room’s shape.

How Much Extra Vinyl Flooring To Order

To ensure you have enough to cover unexpected waste, it’s advised to purchase an additional 5% to 15% of vinyl flooring. This buffer accounts for any mishaps or adjustments that might be needed during installation.

Additional Tips

  • Pattern Matching: If your vinyl has a distinct pattern, ensure you account for matching it correctly. This may require more material than a solid colour or plain design.
  • Direction of Installation: Consider the layout of your room. Ensure that the vinyl is installed in a way that complements the room’s dimensions and natural light sources.
  • Transitions: If your space has multiple rooms or areas, think about how the vinyl will transition between them. This may affect the amount of flooring needed.

Taking these factors into account will help you measure vinyl flooring accurately, ensuring a seamless installation that looks great and stands the test of time.

vinyl flooring toronto gta


When it comes to measuring carpet flooring, there are some specific considerations to keep in mind:

  • Carpet is typically available in two standard widths: 12 feet and 15 feet. Understanding these dimensions will help you plan your installation effectively.

Why You Need Extra Carpeting

  1. Seaming and Fitting: Installing carpet often involves seaming multiple pieces together to cover the entire area. This process can lead to some wastage, as achieving a perfect fit with every cut is challenging.
  2. Seam Placement: To achieve a seamless look, it’s advisable to strategically place seams in less visible areas, like corners or under furniture.

How Much Extra Carpet To Order

To account for seaming, fitting, and any unforeseen adjustments, it’s recommended to purchase approximately 10% extra carpeting.

Additional Tips

  • Utilize Extra Pieces: Any leftover carpeting can be put to good use in areas like closets or alcoves. This ensures that no material goes to waste and provides extra coverage in smaller spaces.

Measuring for carpeting requires attention to detail, especially in terms of seam placement and allowances for fitting. By following these guidelines, you’ll be better prepared for a successful carpet installation.

carpet installation toronto gta

Tile Flooring

When it comes to tile flooring, there are specific factors to consider during the measuring process:

  • Tile Size Impact: The size of the tile directly influences the amount of wastage during installation. Larger tiles tend to result in more waste, as they are more likely to require cutting to fit into the space properly.
  • Shipping Hazards: It’s important to be aware that tiles, especially delicate ceramic or porcelain ones, may sometimes break during shipping. This underscores the necessity of ordering some extra tiles as a precaution.

Why You Need Extra Tile Flooring

  1. Fitting Around Obstacles: Bathrooms and kitchens, common areas for tile flooring, often have various obstacles like vanities, toilets, and built-in cabinets. These elements necessitate precise cuts, leading to increased waste.

How Much Extra Tile Flooring To Order

To ensure you have sufficient tile for your project, it’s generally advised to order between 5% to 15% more than the calculated square footage. This additional quantity accounts for potential cutting, breakage, and any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during installation.

Additional Tips

  • Consider the Pattern: If you’re planning an intricate pattern with your tiles, such as a herringbone or a basketweave, you may need even more extra tiles to account for pattern matching and adjustments.
  • Check the Consistency: Before installation, ensure that the tiles are of consistent colour and pattern. This can prevent any unwelcome surprises during the installation process.
  • Choose a Reliable Supplier: Opt for a reputable supplier who takes care of packaging and delivering the tiles to minimize the risk of breakage during transit.

By taking these considerations into account, you can ensure that you have the right amount of tile flooring to complete your project smoothly and with minimal waste.

tile installation toronto gta

Ensuring you have enough flooring for your home renovation is a critical step toward a successful project. By following these guidelines and considering the specific recommendations for each flooring type, you’ll be well-prepared for a seamless installation process. Remember, it’s always better to have a bit extra than to find yourself short during installation. Happy renovating!

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