Tag Archives: restaurant flooring

 Slip-Resistant Flooring

office floor

Different types of flooring options serve different functions. Beyond enhancing a living space, they can also help optimize it. Slip-resistant flooring is a type of flooring that is designed with material properties that help reduce the slipperiness of the surface.   In fact, the roughness of the floor creates a positive traction which decreases the […]

Redoing your Kitchen? Here are 7 Beautiful and Practical Flooring Options to Consider

kitchen flooring options

Your kitchen is one of the most important room in your home. Apart from food and beverage preparation, your kitchen is also the place where you can get together with your family and even entertain guests. Not only does your kitchen need to be functional, but it should also look its best. This is where […]

6 Great Flooring Options for Restaurants


There are several things to account for when selecting the hardwood flooring in a restaurant. From its functionality and performance to its care and maintenance, all factors need to be considered accordingly.  The simple fact is, not all hardwood floors are made the same, just as not all restaurants and clientele are alike. In order […]

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